
E-BORESU nº 11


Three scholars who study the genre of press relations were the protagonists of the international seminar The reports on natural disasters between Italy and Spain in the seventeenth century, held on 23rd June 2023 at the Department of Humanities of the University of Naples Federico II. Mónica Martín Molares, a linguist specializing in the processes of the translation of this genre between Italy and Spain (Universidade da Coruña), and Jaime Galbarro García, a scholar of the ancient book (Universidad de Sevilla) compared their research and surveyed their perspectives with Valentina Sferragatta, a member of the DisComPoSE group.

The event, organized by Domenico Cecere and Antonietta Molinaro, was coordinated by Gennaro Schiano, who emphasized the centrality of an interdisciplinary investigation of this literary and editorial genre for the study of some aspects of natural disasters, such as the reconstruction of information and narration of the catastrophe, the circulation and dissemination of news, and the construction of a shared memory of culture from the centers to the peripheries of power.