
E-BORESU nº 13

The objective of this study is to present the current digital corpora of the so-

called accounts of events (relaciones de sucesos). So far this documentation –which rea- ched the height of its splendor during the Golden Age– is guarded in internet primarily in the Catálogo y Biblioteca Digital de Relaciones de Sucesos (CBDRS) and in the Catálogo de Relaciones de Sucesos of the Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla. Nevertheless, while it is true that these corpora present a thorough classification of the different sheets, as they offer not only the main data of the accounts of events –title, principal typology, principal subgenre, year and place of the event–, but also the corresponding data of their edition –place and year of the edition, printers, size, number of pages, typographic signa- ture, typefaces, content of catchwords and illustrations, colophons, discourse modality–, it is still needed a linguistic approximation to the aforementioned accounts of events. This approximation seems utterly necessary for the historian of the language. Therefore, given the proliferation of the study of the accounts of events from a diachronic perspective – Borreguero & de Toledo y Huerta (2003, 2006a, 2006b), Tabernero (2014), Mancera & Galbarro (2015), Fernández Alcaide & Leal Abad (2016), Sáez Rivera (2018), Iraceburu (2017, 2018, 2019a, 2019b, 2020a, 2020b, 2021a, 2021b)–, it would be useful to develop a specific corpus of accounts of events that will enable the linguist to carry out relevant search queries for his/her philological research. In this vein, this study aims to present especially the problems and even the challenges which the historical linguist faces when studying the accounts of events, texts which exhibit great morphosyntactic, lexical and discursive wealth still to be explored. On the other hand, this study will carry out a pro- posal of a diachronic corpus for the study of this documentation, which has so much to say about the Spanish language development.

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