
E-BORESU nº 11


Despite the indisputable potential of the proliferation of general search tools, databases and library catalogs on the Internet, local and regional bibliographies are still necessary as research support tools. This work, made up of three volumes, constitutes an extensive and exhaustive repertoire of Sevillian prints from the 17th century. It compiles more than four thousand editions of which a detailed description is provided and the location of the known copies. This compendium of Sevillian editorial production is preceded by a series of studies that account for the general and specific Sevillian historical context, the subjects and genres, as well as the profile of each of the printers, publishers and booksellers. Likewise, other aspects are analyzed, among which it is worth noting the importance of editorial production in understanding the culture and society of the time, the coexistence of the industrial with the artisan or the legislation in force in the 16th and 17th centuries.