
This page sets out to raise awareness of the activities of the Sociedad Internacional para el Estudio de las Relaciones de Sucesos - SIERS (International Society for the Study of News Pamphlets) and to serve as a forum for communication between all interested parties. SIERS is a not-for-profit cultural association with the aim of encouraging the interdisciplinary study of the news pamphlets published in the Modern Age, both in Spain and in other European countries.  

To this end it will promote the collecting of bibliographical information related to the subject, documentation, bibliographical resources in any media, it will organise talks, scientific meetings, cycles of conferences and periodic seminars on subjects related to news pamphlets, and will disseminate the activities of the members and the results of their research by the means available to it.

The Founding Act of the Sociedad Internacional para el Estudio de las Relaciones de Sucesos (SIERS) was made in A. Coruña in July1998

Latest news

Diplomado: “La literatura de cordel más allá de las fronteras del siglo XVI al XXI: imprentas, géneros y lectores”

Diplomado: “La literatura de cordel más allá de las fronteras del siglo XVI al XXI: imprentas, géneros y lectores”
