

Biblioteca Digital Siglo de Oro - BIDISO (The Digital Library of the Golden Age), is the result of the work, since 1992, of the Seminario Interdisciplinar para Estudio de la Literatura Áurea Española - SIELAE (Interdisciplinary Seminar for the Study of Spanish Golden Age Literature), of the University of Coruña (SPAIN) and several research projects subsidised by the Regional Government of Galicia, the Spanish Government (National R + D Plan, National R+D+I Plan) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Its website offers researchers and interested members of the public, sources for research on Literature, History, the History of the book and libraries and the History of the Art of the XVI and XVII centuries. The website gives access to databases and digitalised editions (facsimiles and transcribed texts) related to: Inventories of private or institutional libraries of the Golden Age, Emblematics, News pamphlets, Polyantheas, Encyclopaedias, Catalogues of common places, Mythographies and Sources of erudition. <>


The Research Group History of Journalism and Popular Reading in Andalusia unites Andalusian researchers dedicated to the history of journalism and other genres of the popular press. <>


Centre for Early Modern Mapping, News and Networks (Queen Mary University of London, Great Britain)

The CEMMN is an interdisciplinary community of academics that works on the mapping of the news networks during the Modern Age. The objective is to discover through which routes the information was transmitted in the Modern Age, and to look for new ways to represent these maps through digital resources.

The above Centre forms part of the News Networks in Early Modern Europe project (directed by Joad Raymond), subsidised by the Leverhulme Trust, whose objective has been to explore new approaches to the study of the news networks, and thereby form the basis for a History of European Journalism in the Modern Age.


La Gazette de Renaudot (Université de Caen, France) The project has digitalised, labelled and analysed an important group of numbers of the Gazette de France, from the XVII century. This project forms part of the activities of CRHQ - UMR 6583 (Centre de Recherche d'Histoire Quantitative)

Wrongdoing in Spain, 1800-1936: Realities, Representations, Reactions (University of Cambridge, Great Britain)

The project studies the ways wrongdoing was represented in the Spanish popular printed sheets (chapbooks), between 1800 and 1936, and, thereby, the processes of production and consumption of popular culture. It attempts to trace the evolution from mediaeval songs to the pamphlets of the XIX century. It has proceeded to digitalise these popular printed sheets conserved in the University of Cambridge and the British Library.

The project Die Fuggerzeitungen has studied and cataloged avvisi and gazettes of the Fugger family in Austria. The project website provides digitized images as well as graphs, maps, etc.



Hemeroteca digital. Relaciones de los siglos XVII y XVIII (Digital Newspaper Archives. Pamphlets from the XVII and XVIII centuries). This Webpage shows a collection of news pamphlets from the XVII and XVIII centuries, which pertain to the private collection of Javier Diaz Noci, Professor of the Faculty of Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University. The page offers the digitalisation of several titles, in HTML and pdf format.  <>

Relaciones de Sucesos en la BUS: Antes de que existiera la prensa. (News Pamphlets in the Seville University Library: Before the press existed). The Library of the University of Seville, and the teachers and librarians of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Seville, Carmen Espejo Cala, Eduardo Peñalver Gómez and María Dolores Rodriguez Brito have organised and coordinated a virtual exhibition of News Pamphlets, which are complemented with expert studies. This exhibition can be visited at  <>.