


Without counting its capital, the province of Seville maintains 1,250,000 inhabitants, that is, it is the sixth Spanish demographic nucleus. This extensive and populated province has published in the last three centuries a large, heterogeneous and meritorious press, poorly known however because it has always remained in the shadow of the great press published in the capital of its province and Andalusia. But it deserves an approach for its own value, increased by that unfair ignorance. It is offered abundantly in historical regional capitals such as Écija, Carmona, Osuna, Utrera, Lebrija, Marchena or Morón de la Frontera, with a long journalistic tradition, to which other very dynamic ones such as Alcalá de Guadaíra and Dos Hermanas have been added since the mid-20th century. , and more recently several towns in Aljaraf or on the banks of the Guadalquivir. The journalistic presence is so widespread that there is no population of the province, even a small one, that has not had its own publication, not even a magazine for Holy Week or fairs or an enthusiastic school newspaper. The journey that is offered in this work, town by town, region by region, is therefore exciting and supposes, to some extent, to do justice to those who dedicated their lives to these newspapers that were never a business, but that reflected the day to day , illusions and despair of its inhabitants.