


What role did women play in the golden society? What image and stereotypes existed around them? These questions and many others were raised from June 28 to 30, 2021 at the Seminar "Women and female universes in the documentary sources of the Modern Age" that was held at the University of Coruña in a hybrid way. Throughout those days, international specialists approached the role of women from very different perspectives: literary, iconographic, historical-cultural and bibliographic-documentary.

The seminar was framed in the research projects: Biblioteca Digital Siglo de Oro 6 (BIDISO 6) and Universos discursivos e identidad femenina: élites y cultura popular (1600-1850).

Organizers: HISPANIA research group and the Seminario para el Estudio Interdisciplinar de la Literatura Áurea (SIELAE), of the Universidade da Coruña, and the Grupo de Investigación Siglo de Oro (GRISO), of the Universidad de Navarra. Javier Ruiz Astiz, Nieves Pena Sueiro, Jesús María Usunáriz and Cristina Tabernero. Secretary: Mónica Martín Molares.