


This work explains the decadence of the género relacionero in the reign of Charles IV, starting with the case of the royal visit to Seville in 1796. That Relación conmemorativa de los agasajos y adornos fell victim to censorship and was never printed, in contravention of the tradition that had been widely developed since the beginning of the Modern Age. The publication of descriptive texts about the festivity was even forbidden. Behind the prohibition lie ideological rivalries and the intellectual leadership capacity of the Royal Academy of Letters to set itself up as a censor. In order to explain the exhaustion of the baroque system of representation, the article explores the censorship process and the reasons behind the decision. It also provides unpublished data included in the dossier of the Relación oficial and reveals the allegations and corrections required by the municipal architect, Felix Caraza, to the first draft of the Relación oficial.

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